Exercising Power in Tumultuous Time

by Adam Smith on March 01, 2025

We live in a nation divided. The combination of political unrest, the degradation of truth and ethics, and the influence of Christian Nationalism have created a social climate that is difficult to navigate as disciples of Jesus Christ. The question many of us are asking is “How can we live out our Christian faith in the middle of all the chaos?”

Jesus lived in a chaotic and broken world too. He had a way about him that stood apart from the ‘ways of the world.’ This way of Jesus centered around Jesus’ understanding and exercising of power. “Almost every single story – from his birth to death to resurrection – reveals an inversion of the world’s understanding of power” (Escobar, Kathy. Turning Over Tables, pg. 11). Jesus disrupted existing power structures in his countercultural ministry where he cared for those on the margins of society. Jesus touched lepers; ate with outcasts and sinners; chose non-violence; said the first were last and the last first and that the greatest among us is the servant. He told the truth, respected and valued all others, and led with compassion and empathy. Jesus showed the world a way to exercise power.

This Lent, I will be teaching a weekly class where we will be examining ‘power’ and how it can be used in unhealthy ways: toward division, destruction, and self-interest, but also in healthy ways: building community, raising up the lowly, sharing hope, and selfless giving. ‘Unhealthy power (power over) is centered on fear, hierarchy, scarcity, and being right, while healthy power (power with/to/within) is built on empathy, expansion, and connection’ (Brene Brown).

We all have power. It’s not good or bad. But what we choose to do with the power we have is what matters. And regardless of what is going on around us, we still have a choice in how we exercise our own power and how we respond to the unhealthy use of power throughout the world.

I want to invite you to join me every Thursday from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Christensen room beginning March 13th and going through April 17th (with the only exception of Thursday, March 27th, when we will not meet) where we will explore ‘power’ together through scripture, stories, and several resources. There will be plenty of opportunities for discussion and dialogue as well as your questions. And if that’s not enough, I also invite you to bring a dish to share! We’ll begin with a potluck meal at each gathering. Even if you cannot bring a dish, don’t let that stop you from coming. God will provide plenty of food for us all.

My friends, I look forward to jumping into this Lenten season together. See you on Thursdays!

With grace and peace,
Pastor Adam


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