Meals for Jonathan's Place (formerly Mill Street Center)
We need volunteers to provide the main course, side dish, salad, and whole fruit for 45 people on the third Monday of every month.
We need volunteers to provide the main course, side dish, salad, and whole fruit for 45 people on the third Monday of every month.
Would you like to be involved in a Novato mission project bringing coffee and visiting our neighbors at Camp Compassion on Sundays after church from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.?
Reach out if you are unsure.
Groceries are needed for monthly drop-off to the Center for Domestic Peace. Leave a bag of unexpired, non- perishable groceries in the church office, anytime! No glass jars, please. Groceries are picked up mid-month.
The worship committee is in need of ushers and greeters for our upcoming in-person services.
Join PCN’s Emergency Response Team by participating in bimonthly Zoom meetings. You don’t have to commit to all meetings; any help is appreciated. Contact Regina Rus at .
Join other PCN members and spend quality time reading with youngsters on a one-on-one basis!
Would you like to donate the Sunday flowers?
On the second Tuesday of each month, bring your hand-work, your crocheting project, your quilting, your embroidery, YOURSELF!