
"In every way I’ve shown you that by laboring like this, it is necessary to help the weak and to keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, for He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive."  Acts 20:35

Giving at Church

We encourage all of those who are part of our Church family to give—not out of obligation but out of a spirit of worship. Your gifts allow God's work to be done in our midst, in our community, and in the world around us.

Estimate of Giving/Pledge card 2024
Please fill out your pledge card, print it and either mail it, drop it off at the church or put it in the Sunday offering. 

Giving Options

Your gift helps us live out our vision to serve the world.  

Other Options

Send or deliver a check to the PCN church office or Sunday Offering Plate; Use “Bill Pay” feature with your bank, designating payment to the Presbyterian Church of Novato, 710 Wilson Ave, Novato, CA 94947

NOTE:  In every case, please note what the gift is for in the notes box
(e.g. General Fund, Deacons Fund, Special Fund, etc.)
The per capita apportionment for 2024 is $36 per active member

If you have any questions, please contact
our church bookkeeper, Suzanne Schmidt, at 415-429-2477 or  .

Stewardship Video 2023


Legacy Angels Video


General Fund 

The Presbyterian Church of Novato’s annual budget supports all of our programs and ministries. The budget is funded by a variety of different sources, however, the vast majority comes from contributions from members and friends. Every gift truly matters, however large or small.

Each year in the fall, members of the congregation are invited to make an Estimate of Giving (pledge) for the coming year, indicating their level of financial commitment. This allows the Session of the church to prepare the annual budget, based on a reasonable expectation of income for the next year. Estimate of Giving (pledge) commitments are kept confidential. EOG’s can be revised at any time. To make an Estimate of Giving (pledge), contact the Finance office or 415-897-6152 x204.

Deacon's Fund

Donations to the Deacon's Fund are always welcome to support ongoing ministry of care and compassion to our Church members and community; and also support memorial services, receptions and celebratory occasions.

For more information, contact the the Moderator of Deacons:  

Special Offerings

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has created church-wide opportunities each year called Special Offerings.  The Presbyterian Church of Novato is a “FIVE for FIVE” congregation, supporting seasonal offerings and basic mission support.  All the ministries supported by these offerings represent priorities lifted up by the denomination.

One Great Hour of Sharing - The Two Weeks Before Easter

Since 1949, the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering has helped people in need around the world.  The offering supports Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Self-Development of People and the Presbyterian Hunger Program.

Pentecost - The Two Weeks Before Pentecost Sunday

40 percent of the Pentecost offering is retained by the local congregation for local work with children at risk.  The remaining 60 percent is shared among ministries with youth and young adults, young adult mission volunteers and child advocacy.

Global Witness and Peacemaking - The Last Two Weeks in September

The Peacemaking offering is distributed among local congregations (25 percent), presbyteries and synods (25 percent) the the General Assembly (50 percent) for peacemaking efforts. The offering is received on World Communion Sunday, the first Sunday in October.

Christmas Joy Offering - The Two Weeks Before Christmas

The Christmas Joy Offering has been a Presbyterian tradition for nearly 70 years.  Its proceeds benefit active and retired workers of the church in times of need and also support the work of racial ethnic Presbyterian schools and colleges.

Basic Mission Support - Year Round 

The Presbyterian Church of Novato supports 9 different International Mission teams in Europe, Central Europe, East Asia, the Caribbean, South America, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Philippines. This is included in our general fund there not a specific collection for this. 

Legacy Angels

You’re invited to join LEGACY ANGELS!

  • NEW designation to honor those making bequests to PCN as part of planned giving and estate plans
  • By becoming a Legacy Angel, you express your love for PCN, sustain our mission, fulfill your philanthropic goals
  • Have questions? Contact church office, ask for a Legacy Angel Coordinator

Legacy Angel Brochure

Declaration of Legacy Support Form

Two Cents A Meal +

Your contributions to Two Cents A Meal are what enable churches within the Presbytery of the Redwoods to support hunger alleviation programs.  In these historic times, the need for high quality food has increased. Many people rely on contributions to Two Cents A Meal to sustain them during their times of need. Please give as you feel led and are able.
