
Our mission is to shepherd children from infancy into adulthood, while building the foundations of faith

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Sunday School

(Sunday School is offered during our 10am service)

Children join our service for the first fifteen minutes and are then dismissed after the Children's Sermon. We have a rich curriculum for all age.

Nursery 0 to 2 years

The Nursery offers a variety of activities as well as a robust curriculum for this age group. Music and conversation are at the heart of this curriculum.

Preschool to First Grade

Our Gospel Light Sunday curriculum communicates the gospel with life-changing clarity, motivating students to apply what they've learned at every stage of spiritual growth.

Second to Fifth Grade

Our Gospel Light Sunday school curriculum guides children to develop their own personal relationship with Jesus.

Middle School

Digging Into the Heart of God brings a fresh approach to growing a lifelong relationship with God. As kids explore God’s character throughout the Bible, God transforms them from the inside out. Kids discover what it means to reflect God's Heart in everyday life.

Children's Programs

We seek to teach children to understand and seek wisdom from the Scriptures in a safe and fun learning environment; support families so they may grow in relationship with one another and Christ; encourage youth to model their lives after Christ, and through the power of the Holy Spirit share their faith by serving the world.


SEEkers runs September - April on Tuesday nights, 5:30pm - 7:30pm. SEEkers is a program for kids from birth through 5th grade. We help kids develop their own personal relationship with Jesus through music, bible study, games, and a family style meal. Seekers is a safe place where kids can be kids. They can be who God made them to be. Not to become, just to be. We accept them with open arms as God does us. And it makes a difference. For them and for us.

Vacation Bible School

VBS is each June, this week-long camp is a wonderful opportunity for pre-school through elementary age kids to make new friends and learn more about God in a relaxed setting. Each year’s theme combines fun with learning: Bible stories, songs, games, arts and crafts, skits, and snack times. In 2020 our Vacation Bible School took a giant leap of faith by creating our first ever “virtual” VBS experience. Our YouTube version of Rocky Railway, combined with special activity kits, allowed the children to safely participate in VBS from home.  We continued in 2021 doing a Virtual VBS. In 2022, we welcomed everyone back to in-person!!!


EPIC 2020, virtual weekly videos! We will study the Fruits of the Spirit and the Sermon on the Mount in a VBS like program featuring our puppet friends and David Harmon on the ukulele. The program is free, everyone is invited! Click HERE to watch!

PCN Kids Novato on Facebook and Youtube

The go-to place to get weekly updates on our children’s programs. Members can view current and past children’s sermons, Seeker worship videos and sing-alongs with David Harmon, and other fun things. Be sure to follow us so that you can receive regular updates.

Parent Information Nights /Open House

Each Fall, PCN hosts a Family's Ministry Open House. In 2019 the featured guest speaker Andrew Weiher, a Behaviorist for Novato Union School District. Parents, staff, and teaching volunteers attended both the main speaker session and a follow-up discussion session. 


Available during Sunday 10 am worship service. 

Children join our service for the first fifteen minutes and are then dismissed after the Children's Sermon. We have a rich curriculum for all ages.

Upon nursery drop-off of your child, we will ask you to fill out a Nursery Potty Form. This will best help us meet the needs of your child. 

Nursery Potty Form

Safety Policies

At the Presbyterian Church of Novato, we take our responsibility to care for children very seriously. These policies are intended to facilitate a safe and nurturing environment for our children. While providing accountability for all staff and volunteers, and eliminating all opportunities for abuse or misconduct.

We have created the Safe Church Misconduct and Abuse Prevention Policy. Its procedures have been adopted and will be strictly enforced at all times during our programs and events. To view a copy of the policy click the button below. 

Safe Church Misconduct and Abuse Prevention Policy

PCN will ensure that all mandatory reporters, Sunday School teachers, employees, and volunteers working with children are trained on this policy. Every year we have a volunteer training in the fall where we go over our policies, procedures, and requirements. 

Reference checks will be routinely done. Under Section 11105.3 of the Penal Code, all employees, administrators, and regular volunteers shall undergo a background check to identify and exclude from employment or volunteer work with PCN any persons who have been determined by the California Department of Justice (DOJ) or FBI to have a history of child abuse or other disqualifying convictions.  A regular volunteer means a volunteer who is 18 years of age or older and who has direct contact with or supervision of, children for more than 16 hours per month or 32 hours per year.. 

Any volunteer who works with or supervises youth regularly shall: 

1. Be a member or active attendee of PCN for at least six months prior to starting such activities. Volunteers who are not members of PCN may qualify by submitting a statement of faith for review/approval by the Christian Education Committee. 
2. Be at least 14 years of age. Adult supervision of minor volunteers is required. 
3. Complete online mandated reporter training provided by the Office of Child Abuse Prevention in the State Department of Social Services. (
4. Complete an online training course provided by PCN on recognizing the common grooming processes and behaviors of sexual offenders. (We are using Ministry Safe’s Sexual Abuse Awareness Training)
5. Undergo background checks.
6. Conduct themselves in accordance with the Presbyterian Church of Novato's Safe Church Policy. 

If you have questions or concerns about these policies, please talk with Sydney Fletcher our Safe Church Coordinator, as we want to hear from you and value all input.


Upcoming Events


Sydney Fletcher

Director of Children’s Ministries and Communications

office: 415-780-8716
