What's New at PCN in 2024

by Adam Smith on February 13, 2024

Saints of PCN, 

It is with joy and thanksgiving that I share with you three important new initiatives that we are jumping into in 2024 involving WORSHIP, MUSIC, and MISSION. 

Here are the highlights: 

Beginning March 10th, we will be returning to ONE WORSHIP SERVICE at 10 a.m. on Sundays. The Worship Committee has begun the process of creating this one service. If you have input as to what you would like to see in this one worship service, please send a note to , or drop a note in the church office.

Accompanying the one worship service, we are investing funds to create a 'WHOLISTIC MUSIC PROGRAM' that incorporates both contemporary and traditional music. A music task force is being created to help shape what this might look like. 

As a missional church, we are going to continue to invest heavily in our Mission ministry but are looking to consolidate our efforts and prioritize several local partnerships each year. Mission priorities will begin with relationship, followed by the work of hands and feet, and lastly with our dollars.  

For more information on these three initiatives, please watch the video link above.  

These shifts in ministry focus are not arbitrary changes, but reflect Session's work to faithfully live into our call from God. Each of these initiatives presents better opportunities to create visibility of our church in the community, to 'connect with our neighbors' (as our mission statement lifts up), to consolidate and most effectively use our resources, and, essentially, to work to grow the membership of our congregation.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your PCN Session or pastor. 

For your convenience, here is a list of your Session elders: George Pilloton, Melodie Baird, Delane Ramser, Sandy Fong, Tonya Church, Patty Reed, Brad Praun, Greg Smith, and Karen Marks. 

Blessings to you, dear saints, as we seek to build up the Body of Christ at PCN

With Joy & Hope,



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