Saints of PCN,
God is on the move!
At our congregational meeting at the end of January, we made some exciting announcements for life and ministry at PCN in 2024. Your Session has been hard at work faithfully and prayerfully seeking to live into our call from God in 2024. We aim to be visible, inspiring, and hope-filled as we embrace our mission, “sharing the love of Jesus Christ, connecting with our neighbors, and growing together in worship, faith, and service.” To that end, we’ve made some important decisions for 2024 involving worship, music, and mission.
Because togetherness is more important than worship-style preference, because a sanctuary filled with energy of our full body together, and to maximize our resources, Session has faithfully decided to move back to one worship service at 10 a.m. beginning March 10th. The Worship Committee is currently piecing together what this service will look like liturgically, but our goals are to fashion a service that: a) focuses on God; b) is organized and led with excellence; c) represents our whole congregation, d) is accessible to our neighbors who do not know our church and; e) utilizes a wide variety of music from the most contemporary music heard on the radio to the organ and choir hymns.
To this end, Session has made the bold decision to invest in a wholistic music program that encompasses both our traditional and contemporary styles. We envision our strong music program to become even stronger with excellence in musicality and worship leadership a priority. Funds have been budgeted from our Endowment to help invest in this vision and make it a reality. A music task force team is being put together to begin to create a vision for how this might be done. We are conscientiously putting together a team that represents the wide array of musical-style preferences in our congregation.
And lastly, we are looking to invest heavily in mission, but with a more directed focus including distinct mission priorities. We know that our mission giving is one of the distinctive pieces of our identity as a church. Our generosity stands out far and above. We have a heart for helping those in need around us.
But we want to begin to move toward a model that prioritizes two to four mission partners/ organizations annually with the intent to invest first and foremost in relationship before dollars. Relationship between not just one or two PCN representatives and the organization, but with the entire congregation. First comes relationship, then working hands and feet, and finally dollars. We think this focus on relationship in the local community creates visibility as a church and can help aid us in our ongoing goal of church growth. With greater growth as a church, the greater our mission program can expand and grow.
I am excited about the direction we are moving at PCN. God is at work in our community and moving us to try some new things and experiment a little bit, and I know we’ll learn a lot along the way.
Blessings to you, saints, as we continue on this journey together.
With grace and peace,
Pastor Adam