
'As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. '
1 Peter 4:10

Here, at the Presbyterian Church of Novato, our membership strongly believes that God calls us to serve those in need within our local, domestic, and global community, sharing our God-given time, talents and treasures. 

PCN is a 5 for 5 congregation.  As a 5 for 5 congregation we participate in four church-wide special offerings (One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peacemaking and the Christmas Joy Offering) and our basic mission giving, where we annually commit 20% of our church budget to mission giving. 

Over and above that, our families search out other service and support opportunities within Novato, the San Francisco Bay Area, and mission trips in our state, nation and internationally.

We invite all our members and church friends to join us in loving and caring for our neighbors through our mission work listed below.  For more information on how you can serve and support these ministries, please contact Carolyn Garrens,  , (415) 897-1504

  • 0Total Percent of Our Pledged Income is Donated to Missions
  • 0Given to Missions in 2020
  • 0Countries Impacted

Service Opportunities 

Homeward Bound (Jonathan's Place) 
Homeward Bound of Marin is the primary provider of Marin County homeless shelters and services for homeless families and individuals in Marin, California.  Jonathan's Place in San Rafael is an emergency shelter housing 45 homeless individuals. To support this mission, a network of community churches participate in a monthly rotation to provide dinner every day. This significant gift has endured for more than 30 years and PCN has faithfully contributed each month serving 720 meals per year through our network of volunteers and monetary support.  

Marin Food Bank (SF & Marin)
The mission of San Francisco/Marin Food Bank is to combat food insecurity throughout the two counties. In addition to being a part of PCN mission's annual budget, our congregants donate generously every year during both the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons to food barrels which are placed on our campus. Members are alwasy welcome and have routinely volunteered as sorters and baggers at the food bank warehouse, any time of year. 

All Dressed Up Ministry
The “All Dressed Up Ministry” at PCN is a ministry that supports the California Re-Entry Program (CA Re-Entry Program) by providing clothing for inmates who are being released from San Quentin. This ministry receives requests and prepares a box of clothes that is mailed to San Quentin and stored for the inmate to wear when they are released. In addition to the PCN funds budgeted for the clothes, the congregation donates new and slightly used clothing for distribution to the inmates being released. Additionally, members of the congregation help to box and mail the clothing to the inmates. Since this ministry started in 2011, we have mailed over 1300 boxes of clothing to inmates being released from San Quentin. The ministry is always looking for clothing donations and assistance with preparing the boxes. Please contact the PCN Mission members if you are interested in this volunteer opportunity.

North Marin Community Services
The mission of North Marin Community Services is to support the success of Marin County residents and families in hunger abatement, job skills and resumes, stable housing, child care, and mental & physical health. In addition to being part of PCN mission's annual budget, our congregation annually supports 'Holiday Share' toy & gift collections. Other opportunities to VOLUNTEER: hands-on efforts to make Holiday Share happen every December, Tuesday food pantries, middle school math tutors, Peer Health Promotors, for teens & young adults to mentor their peers in health & social issues. Bilingual skills are helpful, but, not a necessity. Get started by going to www.northmarincs.org, and look under 'connect', or call 415-892-1643.


Gilead House  
The mission of Gilead House is to safely house, mentor, and educate mothers and their minor children. Besides being a part of PCN mission's annual budget, our congregants have participated and can continue helping furnish bedrooms & bathrooms for new families moving in, youth mission work parties, annual work parties/indoors & out, youth-led Christmas parties for families, personal mentors, babysitting during mothers' mentoring classes, First Sunday Family Dinners, minor home repairs, and (last but, not least) prayer teams! Go to www.gileadhouse.org and look under 'get involved'.

Ceres Community Project

Ceres Community Project delivers delicious, nourishing, medically tailored meals to low-income residents throughout Marin County who need specialized meals to help manage their health conditions, but are too sick to shop and cook for themselves. The meals are prepared and delivered with love and care by teen and adult volunteers. Teens aged 14 and up participate in Ceres’ Youth Development Program, where they learn to cook, gain job skills, and discover the joy of making a difference in the lives of their neighbors. We welcome new volunteers aged 14 and up to get involved in our Novato kitchen or in our Petaluma garden, or as one of the Delivery Angels who bring meals, smiles and care to our clients’ homes. Learn more at www.CeresProject.org.

Downtown Streets (Mobile Care Snack Sacks) 
Downtown Streets (Marin Mobile Care) manages the only mobile shower serving Marin's 1,035 people experiencing homelessness, of which 65% of them are unsheltered. The showers are in Novato twice a week and also serve San Rafael and Sausalito. PCN provides food support weekly. Before the pandemic, we provided 60 snack sacks a week which included a fresh bagel, peanut butter, banana and other fruit and food energy bars. During the pandemic we are providing 10 $25 gift cards a week to be distributed by Downtown Streets at the Novato shower. Hopefully after the pandemic we will be allowed to provide fresh food again but for now, there are grateful people who can supplement their groceries with gift cards we supply to them.

PCN Bible Distribution Ministry 
Each year, PCN purchases bible for distribution to the community and to other missions. We purchase bibles for distribution when we go to Juarez, Mexico, for prisoners, and for community events where we can provide bibles to the general public.

Buckaroo Breakfast

PCN has hosted the Buckaroo Breakfast since 1953. The first Breakfast was provided by the Mariners, a women’s group in the Church, in response to a request by the Novato Horsemen’s who held its annual rodeo and parade in Downtown Novato. 

The location over the years has varied, it has typically been a part of another local event including the Western Weekend. Over the past several years the Buckaroo Breakfast has been a major attraction at Novato’s Fourth of July Parade and held in the parking lot of the Redwood Credit Union before the parade. Recently over 1100 meals have been served to parade participants, volunteers and viewers. A donation is requested and all proceeds go to Novato charities. Recently the proceeds have gone to the North Marin Community Services, an organization that recently combined the Novato Human Needs Center with Novato Youth Center. 

The event is sponsored by the Program and Fellowship Committee led by a Big Buckaroo and includes willing volunteers from the entire Church family, Boy Scouts, Rotary Clubs, members of the community and local merchants. It is self-supporting and a Church sponsored event that reaches out and serves members of the entire Novato Community.

Faith In Practice
Faith in Practice is an amazing organization on the ground in Guatemala for 25 years providing medical, surgical and dental care, treating over 25,000 people annually. It organizes teams to outreach into remote villages and other teams to provide surgeries at our 2 hospitals. Each year, 1500 volunteer doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, translators and support staff from the US to work alongside 1000 Guatemalan volunteers who pay their trip expenses,  leaving donated dollars to go far to help the needy. Our individual team comprises approximately 80 Americans and Guatemalans working to bring health care to the poorest in Guatemala

Stop Hunger Now / Rise Against Hunger

Rise Against Hunger is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies. For the last decade, our church has contributed a portion of our mission budget to support the Rise Against Hunger Organization; and as part of our Youth Group mission, they have sponsored and led our congregation in annual Rise Against Hunger event (https://www.riseagainsthunger.org/) where over 80 of our church members and friends stuff over 10,000 nourishing meal bags in a two hour work-a-thon for those that are starving throughout the world. This is an incredible way for our members to serve others in need, and we encourage you to join us at our next RAH event!

Faith In Practice
Faith in Practice is an amazing organization on the ground in Guatemala for 25 years providing medical, surgical and dental care, treating over 25,000 people annually. It organizes teams to outreach into remote villages and other teams to provide surgeries at our 2 hospitals. Each year, 1500 volunteer doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, translators and support staff from the US to work alongside 1000 Guatemalan volunteers who pay their trip expenses,  leaving donated dollars to go far to help the needy. Our individual team comprises approximately 80 Americans and Guatemalans working to bring health care to the poorest in Guatemala

Mission Opportunities

Westminster Woods

The Presbyterian Church of Novato Youth Group did and amazing job during their modified mission trip over the summer of clearing trails, splitting wood, and spreading mulch at Westminster Woods Campgrounds.   The mission of Ministries Programs at Westminster Woods is: To guide persons to Jesus Christ, so that through Him they may come to a true knowledge of God, to a living faith, and through the power of the Holy Spirit live as Christ's disciples through the fellowship of the Church.

Youth Mission Trip
The PCN Youth Group seeks to find service opportunities locally, nationally, and internationally to participate in and live out their faith.  One way this is done is through a formal annual week-long mission trip.  Students who attend youth group, participate in fund raisers, and attend other activities are welcome to take the week- long trip to an area in need with a group of adult volunteers.  Students learn about parts of the world that are socio-economically different than Marin county and grow in their faith through service.  These youth mission trips have been a faith-growing experience for all who attend.

Hands-On-Mission Trip in Juarez, MX: Mtls Costs
This is a volunteer opportunity for our church family and friends to do hands-on-mission service by teaming with Mission Ministries International, in building a house for a needy Juarez family in Colonia Esperanza, Juarez.
PCN has been participating each fall since 2000. Included in building a 13'x 30' home, volunteers also participate in working with a local orphanage, participate in neighborhood prayer walks with host local church pastor, work with children in the Mission Ministries compound childcare center, as well as work and support the Mission Ministries medical and dental clinics.  Volunteers cook and serve a dinner to the sponsoring host local church on the last evening after attending a worship service. 
Trip involves 4 days, 2 travel, 2 working in the community. Lodging and meals are provided for volunteers. Airfare and lodging are arranged by PCN Juarez Team coordinators and Mission Ministries (travelers are responsible for travel expenses, with some scholarships offered).

Agape International Missions (AIM)

Thanks to our mission focused church PCN is making a difference in Cambodia. Through our financial support of AIM (Agape International Missions), a Christian non-profit, miraculous change has and is happening in the fight against sex trafficking.  AIM’s four step holistic strategy which includes prevention (education), rescue (Swat teams), restoration (intensive PTSD therapy) and reintegration (job training and work programs), has caught the attention of organizations and governments around the world. Within these four components are more than a dozen outreach programs run by local Cambodians. AIM’s focus now includes other types of trafficking (labor, bride, baby, domestic slavery) and in partnership with the Cambodian government, their reach extends beyond their borders, making rescues in neighboring countries and even as far away as Somalia! In 2020 AIM expanded their efforts to include Belize, to combat the trafficking of children in the sex tourism trade.  Learn more here: https://agapewebsite.org/belize/

Our support began with the introduction of AIM by Church of the Vine, a local Novato church that has made numerous mission trips to Svay Pak Cambodia to support AIM “on the ground”. For several years we purchased rice for 300 Cambodian families which our friends distributed, and purchased equipment for an AIM kick boxing gym. In 2018, PCN member Phil Dougherty joined them on a mission trip to Svay Pak and saw first-hand the desperate need, AIM’s programs in action and our support at work.

Domestic Relief Mission Trip in USA

In response to requests from disaster response organizations, funding is provided to support teams of volunteers to help recover from the impact of a man-made or natural disaster.  PCN usually joins with other church groups to work with Hope City, based in Middletown, California, whose motto is “Building Homes Restoring Lives.” Known as a Faith Based-Humanitarian organization Hope Ciy uses a holistic approach that allows focus on the whole person. Physical, Emotional, Financial and Spiritual components are the key ingredients that allow for the greatest opportunity for healing, one without the other makes a recovery incomplete.

Boy Scouts of America

We are blessed to have supported Novato's youth through Boy Scouts of America.  PCN continues to serve as the Charter organization for 3 groups including, Troop 200 since 1962, Pack 85 since 1968 and Pack 186 since 1972.  Over the years, thousands of Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts have enjoyed meeting at our facility for their weekly meetings, special events such as Court of Honors and other activities to support their programs.  The Scouts participate as greeters in our annual Scout Sunday and present the Charters at our worship service. Scouts actively support the community's Easter Sunrise Service as parking attendants at Mt. Burdell and set up luminarias to light our pathway for Christmas Eve services. We enjoy a strong and thriving partnership with the Boy Scouts in our community. 

Vitalant – Blood Centers of the Pacific

The PCN Deacons have worked for many years with the Vitalant Blood Centers of the Pacific to host between 1-4 blood drives a year at our church to help encourage needed blood donations from our members, friends and community to help those needing life saving blood.  The Deacons will publicize upcoming donation dates and invite you to consider participating in this live-saving opportunity.

Rev. Choon Lim and Yen Hee Lim

Choon Lim is the regional liaison for East Asia that covers Taiwan, China, Japan, South Korea and North Korea. He provides support for partner churches, strengthens the work of mission personnel by providing guidance and pastoral care, and implements regional strategies. He has a special focus on North Korea, where people are hungering for food and for the good news of Jesus Christ. Rev. Choon is supported in this ministry by his wife, Yen Hee.

Click HERE for more information about Rev. Choon Lim and his wife Yen Hee. 

Burkhard Paetzold

As regional liaison for Central Europe, Burkhard Paetzold focuses much of his ministry on work among the Roma people, one of Europe’s most marginalized groups. He facilitates and supports the efforts of mission personnel, church leaders, and community leaders who, while working alongside the Roma people, strive to fully include them in congregations and in society, improve their economic well-being, and develop leaders among them. Because of the surge of Syrian, Iraqi, and other refugees moving to Europe, Burkhard has also focused on relief and development work in collaboration with European churches.

Click HERE for more information about Burkhard Paetzold.

Mark Hare and Jenny Bent

Jenny and Mark are currently doing their missionary work in Costa Rica after working in the Dominican Republic.  Their current missionary work is focused on promoting environmental sustainability with the Latin American Biblical University (UBL), an ecumenical seminary on the eastern edge of the San Jose municipality in Costa Rica.

Click HERE for more information about Mark Hare and Jenny Bent.

Sarah Henken

Sarah Henken is currently serving as the Peace Initiative Promoter and Pastoral Accompanier to the Presbyterian Church of Colombia (IPC).  Sarah collaborates with the Peace Commission of the IPC in developing activities and educational materials for the promotion of peace and reconciliation in Colombia in local church communities and with populations served by ministries of the IPC in its three presbyteries. 

Click HERE for more information about Sarah Henken.

Rev. Bob Rice and Kristi Rice

In May 2017, they began a new role and call in South Sudan. Bob serves as an instructor at Nile Theological College and teaches a broad range of courses in theology and biblical studies, with a specific focus in the academic disciplines of systematic theology, public theology, and ethics. Kristi serves as an economic and development advisor for the South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church. She works to strengthen the identification, development, and management of church development projects that support the financial goals of the church and improve the health and wellbeing of the communities. They live in Juba, the capital city.

Together they seek to empower and encourage the churches in South Sudan to be a light for Christ and a voice for peace in the midst of suffering and conflict, living out the gospel and ministering holistically to their communities.

Click HERE for more information about Rev. Bob Rice and Kristi Rice.

Gary and Marlene Van Brocklin

The Van Brocklins serve as regional liaisons for Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) support of partner programs, relationships and activities and as implementers of the Presbyterian World Mission strategy. As regional liaisons for South Asia, Gary and Marlene connect with mission partners in South Asia to work on issues involving schools, poverty, evangelism, clinics and congregations.

Click HERE or more information about Gary and Marlene Van Brocklin. 

Rev. Cathy Chang and Juan Lopez

From their home base in the Philippines, Cathy Chang and Juan Lopez are helping global partners address issues of migration and human trafficking.  Cathy and Juan work with churches and non-governmental organizations in Asia to help coordinate efforts to end the scourge of modern-day slavery. They also resource various programs of the Presbyterian Mission Agency and US congregations concerned about the issue. 

Click HERE for more information about Rev. Cathy Chang  and Juan Lopez.

Rev. Ryan and Alethia White

Ryan and Alethia White work with Iranian refugees in partnership with the Iranian Presbyterian Church in Berlin. They provide pastoral care and collaborate with a number of Christian organizations and churches that serve Iranian refugees. 

Click HERE for more information about Rev. Ryan and Alethia White.

Jeff Pinar 

Matthew 25 Ministries International supports Jeff Pinar's service to orphans in four orphanages, Tarahumara Indian settlements, a hospital for the mentally disabled and many other people living in poverty in violence ridden Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.  Jeff began giving to the people of Juárez in July 1997 by helping build a house for a impoverished family.  Jeff quickly knew in his heart that something had to be done to help these people and he new that he had to be one of the people to start doing it.  Jeff's love for the people of Juárez grew until he moved into Juárez full time from 2005 to 2009 building homes and developing a medical clinic.  Although the violence has risen since then and the Coronavirus has arrived, Jeff has continued to serve the people of Juárez by adapting to the changing situation.  He currently resides 'north of the border' and makes an average of 3 trips per week to Juárez bringing supplies, hope and love to those he serves.

Becca Lee

A year ago I felt called to move to Durham, North Carolina to join a church plant called the 6:8 Church, started by a family I was introduced to by one of my college professors. The mission is really simple and comes directly from Micah 6:8 “For what does the Lord require of you? But to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.” We are a community that is really focused on lifting up marginalized members of the surrounding community like single moms, families in public housing and other more urban populations. We seek to be involved in community activism and development, and to understand ways we can ultimately seek justice for the flourishing of our church and community members. Since I came in as one of the first staff members of a new church I really have been able to discern and grow in where I really feel the Lord placing me. I didn’t expect this to be a role of mine coming in, but God has really led me into developing relationships with single moms and ultimately walking with them on that path, whether that means helping them find services, give a listening ear, and of course offering childcare help! It has really been the greatest and most unexpected thing God has done. My second focus has been starting and developing a young adults ministry! Especially in this time where that population can feel very alone I have been hosting outdoor/precautionary events to foster deeper connections between young adults at our church and in the community. Lastly, I have been able to grow a lot in the art of worship leading and learning what it means to worship God and be open to his movement. I am so thankful for PCN and the financial and spiritual support they have given me since moving for this crazy adventure! I have surely learned a lot and very thankful for all God is doing here in Durham, North Carolina.

Financial Support

Here is a list of the ministries that we support financially and in many other ways. Look at our service and mission opportunities sections to learn more about how we support these ministries. 

General Assembly & PCUSA Missionaries 
The General Assembly consists of commissioners elected by presbyteries. Half of the commissioners will be ruling elders, half will be teaching elders. Few will ever have been commissioners to the General Assembly before, but most will have served in one of the other governing bodies of our church: the session, which provides care and oversight of a local congregation; the presbytery, which provides care and oversight of a group of congregations; or the synod which provides care and oversight of several presbyteries.
Presbytery & Synod
We, the Synod of the Pacific, PC(U.S.A.), are a diverse people, one in Christ, who are called to foster conventionalism and partnership within the Church, following Christ who leads us to what God is calling us to be and to do.
Discretionary Funds
Discretionary funds are funds that are utilized for events and unforeseen mission needs that arise during the course of the budgeted year. 

Charities Supported by Our Church Budget
SIX*EIGHT Church with Becca Lee
Homeward Bound 
Marin Food Bank (SF & Marin)
Center for Domestic Peace
North Marin Community Services
Gilead House
Downtown Street Team (Mobile Care Snack Sacks)
LITA - Love Is The Answer
Ceres Community Project
Westminster Woods
Youth Mission: Stop Hunger Now / Rise Against Hunger
PCN Bible Distribution Ministry – General
Faith In Practice
Matthew 25 Ministries International
Mission Ministries
Agape Internation Missions (AIM)
Two Cents a Meal+