First and foremost, I want to thank all of you for your support and donations to this ministry. Your response to requests for clothing and the help received to keep this ministry alive is a blessing.
On August 13th, at the Boy Scout meeting of troop 200 they brought several bags of clothing that they had gathered for the All Dressed Up Ministry. During the meeting, I explained the purpose of this ministry and why it is so important to those inmates at San Quentin who are being released to return to society. The scouts were eager to help.
On Saturday, August 17th, we setup tables outside Trevitt Hall for the Clothing Drive. The response from the congregation was overwhelming. So many of the congregation that responded to the August challenge for the All Dressed Up Ministry and provided new and used clothing. As you can see from the pictures below, the tables were full and the storage was packed with donated clothing. We definitely have enough clothing now to satisfy the needs of many inmates at San Quentin being paroled or released.
I would like to personally thank Patty Reed, George Pilloton, Sally Carbonero, Greg Smith, Carolyn Gerrans, Art Plumstead, Hilliary Kinney, Walt Campbell, and my wife Carol for helping promote the event and sort, tag, and store all the donated clothing. It was an incredible blessing to have all the help.
For those of you who are not familiar with this ministry…
We started this ministry in 2011. The purpose of the ministry is to send clothing to inmates at San Quentin who are being paroled or discharged. Since we started this ministry, we have sent over 1300 boxes of clothes. The inmates who request clothing are participating in a program at San Quentin called ‘California Reentry Program”. This program provides services to help prepare an inmate for re-entry into society. Most of the inmates requesting the clothing do not have any resources outside the prison where they can request clothing. If they do not have clothing sent to them for their release, they are forced to purchase clothing (sweats) from the prison. The cost of the sweats is $40 which is deducted from the $200 gate money they receive on release leaving $160 for them to use to return to the area of their parole officer.
When we send them the clothing, we follow up the mailing with a notification card informing them that a box of clothes was sent to them. The notification card informs the inmate that a box of clothes has been mailed along with a few scripture verses of encouragement. Often times, we receive a letter from the inmate expressing gratitude. Many of the inmates also say that they are so thankful for the fact that someone outside the prison cares about them.
Thank you,
Mike Robinson