March 30, 2025 8:00am
Join us Sunday mornings at 8:00 am - 9:00 am! Meetings will be via Zoom and not in-person through the summer.
The coming quarter (October. November, and December) is entitled “God’s Law Is Love.” This quarter focuses on God’s law as it related to faith in Christ.
Unit 1 draws on the Gospels to show Jesus contrasting empty acts of piety with performing the justice and love of God, interpreting what it means to honor the Sabbath, and showing God is the one qualified to judge a sinner’s failures.
In Unit 2, lessons from Romans and Galatians contrast the inability of the law to provide justification. Paul says God wants circumcised hearts, and he pleads with the Galatians to hold fast to Christ and not to revert to law-keeping for justification. Faith in Christ makes us heirs to God’s kingdom.
In Unit 3 the Jerusalem Conference shows how Gentiles need not submit to the law because salvation comes through faith in Christ, not the law. In 1 Corinthians and Romans, Paul examines how the law finds its fulfillment in the commandment to love; he contrasts the hollowness of human traditions with the fullness of God found in Christ, and he warns that Christian liberty not become a license for sin.
If you are interested in joining our class, contact Larry Dacquisto at (415) 577-2115 or email: larrydacquisto@gmail.com
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88401949220?pwd=QS9MMHJsbU5TVTJ6enVpU1hDL0VNQT09
Meeting ID: 884 0194 9220
Password: pcnovato