Women Bible Study (Virtual)
Bible Studies Women's Ministry

Spies, Jericho walls tumbling down, trumpets and shouts, battles. Women’s Bible Study’s is back. Class meets on zoom on Thursdays from 10 -11:30 am. We will not meet in December on 12/12-26 and will resume January 2. Carol Dacquisto invites all the ladies of PCN to this “not to be missed” study of the Old Testament Book of Joshua. Carol has spent her summer researching Joshua and is raring to share her discoveries. Did you know Joshua was commanded by God, face-to-face and considered second to Moses?
If you have questions, contact Margaret Franz-Costello at 415-806-8849 or Karen Carlson at 415-382-9616. New members are always welcome! And keep collecting tabs to raise money for the Shriners Children’s Hospital, which has been our faithful project for more than 35 years and helps house visiting families.
Here is the Zoom link and passcode:
Meeting ID: 812 8402 5735 Passcode: pcnovato